
               Shopping. Ask any Singaporean what their favourite pastime is and it is highly likely that you will receive that answer. In the past, shopping took place in physical stores where the customer had to travel down to and there was an exchange of physical money. However, with the advancement in technology, shop owners have been moving their business over to the Internet, leading to what we know now as online shopping.
               From dial-up connection to broadband technology, the world has seen an increase in Internet speed. Singapore, being one of the leaders in Asia when it comes to technological advancements, has also enjoyed the benefits of faster internet speed. In fact, Singapore is among the top 15 broadband nations in the world (International Telecommunication Union, 2002). Faster speed has allowed Singaporean users to gain access to webpages faster than before.
                This website has been produced by our group for GEK1046, "Introduction to Cultural Studies" to provide a deeper understanding of how the rising trend of online shopping in Singapore has come about.
                   Our group feels that the main reason why online shopping is so popular in Singapore is due to technological advancements. In this paper, we would like to show how it is because of such advancements in technology that online shopping has seen an increase in recent years. Here, we define technological advancements as improvements in Internet and computers.
                   Firstly, we would like to provide some statistics to show that there is indeed an increase in online shopping in Singapore. Next, we would like to show how technological advances have allowed online shopping to thrive in Singapore. Following that, we will give counter-arguments that show that there might be other factors that brought about the increase in online shopping in Singapore. Last but not least, we will also provide a list of possible consequences due to the popularity of online shopping.
            There are links embedded on the left sidebar of the site to go to the various analyses. A link to the next section is also embedded at the end of each individual page for easier navigation. Please click here for statistics regarding online shopping in Singapore.